
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cooking with Cricut-Buttons & Brads

Today over at Cooking with Cricut our challenge is to use Buttons and or Brads in your project.  I have decided to incorporate todays challenge by adding some great buttons I have had in my stash for AGES! I really do not use buttons too much though I love to see other use it. 

Anyway for the first page I used Pack your bags to make the stars and the sandcastle. One the second page I used Life's a Beach for the Seaweed and the Sand Dollars.

We have an upcoming Blog Hop in which we are making Layouts for a wonderful organization called Crops of Luv.  I will be sending these two pages and I hope to see many of your scrapbooker join in the cause.


  1. Great LO, Olivia! Love the masculine-beachy feel!

  2. Olivia,
    What a wonderful LO you have here. Great colors and I love the little sandcastle cut. The buttons are a great touch!

  3. Great colors and I love that you have so many photo mats on the pages.
