
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Crafty Cleansing Personal Challenge-

So I went to the Dentist last night and somehow what was suppose to be a simple cavity filling turned into a root after a whooping 400+ bill, nearly got teary in the office, I was looking for a relaxing night of crafting. 

And as I looked at my craft table, I realized I have way too much to the point where things are collecting dust and those things that I just "had" to have are forgotten.

So the point of my rambling my new personal challenge is to not buy anything new....papers, stamps, digis, embellishments until I have used all of the stuff in my stash at least once! 

Who is with me??? No more hoarding.  The challenges starts today. Feel free to leave your blog addy in the comments and we can support each other!

****Reminder Blog Candy drawing once I hit fifty followers and there may be more as I plurge my hoarding ways****

Ps...glue not included cause you know how quick that goes.

Happy Crafting my Bloggy friends.


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  1. OMG girl you are brave! I have just edited my crafting goals for this year and am doing a stamp diet; I cannot go the whole way with you but for sure on the stamps! I am a new follower:0)

    Thanks for visiting my blog:0)


  2. I applaud you!! I'm doing my best not to buy more supplies but I do have a weekness for digi's. I just became a new follower of your blog.

    I'm looking forward to the next sentimentalsundays challenge.
    Take Care!
