
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Stamping Bella Card

I have added quite a few new Stamping Bella to my collection so I decided to color one up and get it on a card. 

Sometime I am lucky when I can find just the right paper to match my colored image since I usually color first and then find paper

I will be entering this one into the following challenges:

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Folio Notebook Holder

So I saw this awesome and pretty easy Folio Notebook Holder on YouTube by CherishUrmemories that I decided to do last night. The album is 10x7.  I received some papers and embellishments in a swap and decided to use them to create the outer cover.

On the inside, I have two mini notebooks that I covered with some Crafts & Me images. On the bottom I created a pocket for business cards and then a mini-waterfall effect and added another colored image I did from Crafts & Me. 

The other side is bare because I still need to get a notepad to put into it. Off to Walmart I go.

Here is a close up of the two images I colored up with my Copics.

I will be entering this one into the following challenges:

Monday, January 9, 2017

Birthday Card

So one of my daughters BFFs shares my Hubby's Bday so I always remember this little girl. She is a sweet girl so I thought this image would be great for her.  It did it to make it kind of look like her too in my color scheme.

I will be entering this one into a few challenges.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Greeting Farm Winter Theme

I recently got some great stamps from the closing sale over at Quick Creations (still going on by the way).  I added to my every large Greeting Farm collection with this cutie. Since Christmas is over I thought she would look adorable in a more winter theme color scheme. I also using some newer paper (Xpress paper) that I got for Christmas too to color the image on.

I will be entering this one into a few challenges:

Thursday, January 5, 2017

I'm back!!!

Sorry for the break but just relaxing with the family for the holiday season. I am back with my first birthday card of the year. I love to have a stash of birthday cards because with my younger kids they still go to a lot of parties. 

During all those great sale in the Holiday Season I got some new digis from Tiddly Inks.  I colored this one up with my Copics and then used on of my favorite dies as a sentiment.

I will be entering this one into the following challenges: